Meet the 2024-2025 board!
Kim Le
Hey! I’m Kim Le and I am so excited to be SCVMUN 54’s Secretary General. I look forward to seeing what all of you bring to the table this year and hope to see you having fun and engaging in productive debate. I’m a senior in high school and I’ve been in MUN since my freshman year. One of my favorite things about MUN is the opportunities it has given me to meet new people from a diverse set of backgrounds and upbringings. It’s brought me out of my shell and I’ve grown so much as a person from the enriching experiences I’ve had. My favorite MUN memory—actually, one of my favorite memories in general—is making a midnight trip to pizza and gelato with my Roman host and her friends in Italy. When you can’t find me in committee, you can find me at the bookstore(with a R.F Kuang book in my hands), the track, or exploring new places in the Bay!
Sophia Chen
Hey! I’m the Director General and I’m in charge of all things staffing and managing for our conference SCVMUN. I was born and raised in San Jose, and I’ve been doing this club since freshman year. The memories I’ve made in this club are always worth the pre-conference jitters, and I love meeting so many new people. My favorite committee is WHO because I always have fun participating with other delegates to problem solve complex health issues. My favorite subject is physics and I love doing niche sports like parkour and bouldering. I also enjoy reading science fiction novels and watching nature documentaries. A fun fact about me is that I love marine biology!
Teddy nguyen
Hi! I'm Teddy Nguyen and your Trainer for this year! As the name implies, it is my job to train and prepare you for our upcoming conferences. I am excited to attempt to make trainings fun and engaging, allowing for anyone to get into the groove of MUN! Model UN has always been a soft spot of mine, where I was able to shine and show growth over the last three years as well as make life long memories that I would trade nothing for! The friends and community here are what truly draws me closer to this club, and I hope that you can join us! This club has allowed me to break out of comfort zone and improve upon myself, and I wish to help you reach the point that you want to reach! MUN is an incredible experience that I wish to spend together! :)
Nandhini Vijayakumar
Hi, my name is Nandhini Vijayakumar, and I am your USG of Finance! I deal with managing the finances of the team and for the conference that we run (SCVMUN), tracking every purchase and invoice that comes out way. I am a senior this year. In my free time I like to draw, hanging out with my friends, working on coding projects, and (trying) to learn new languages! What I love about MUN is the experiences you gain from going to each conference as a club, meeting new people, and learning how to be more confident in your own abilities. I definitely found each conference I went to a unique experience, and would definitely recommend it!
Aparna Jayasankar
Hello everyone, I’m Aparna and I’m your USG of Public Relations! I work behind the scenes of SCVMUN’s website, social media, and overall online presence. I am from San Jose and this is my third year doing Model UN as a junior. I love art! It's my favorite subject, because I get to put my vision onto paper with a few, fluid strokes of my paintbrush. I'm also a massive book enthusiast. Agatha Christie is one of my most favored authors. I will read any book, anywhere, but my favorite spot to read has to be the seaside! The thing I love about Model UN is the alliances and partnerships we form with people we meet. Aside from all the debate, interesting topics, and suits (the best part, obviously), I love how MUN is the more collaborative and synergistic side of debate. Everyone is cooperating to find creative resolutions to these real-world problems! Seeing so many delegates working together during SCVMUN is the crème de la crème of experiences!
Elise Beal
Hi guys! I'm Elise, the USG of Delegational Affairs. Basically, this just means I take care of anything and everything logistics. Housing arrangements, transportation, and even the gavels some of you will win are organized by yours truly. In my free time, I love practicing karate, recently making Team USA! I also love hanging out with my friends, going to the gym, photography, matcha, and reading. I love MUN because it offers such unique insight into the global issues we're facing today, and debating and collaborating for a shared solution is something I really enjoy.
Mytae Suntae
Hi everyone! I'm your USG of Records meaning I deal with all of the spreadsheets and paperwork of our club! MUN has been my sense of home over my course of high school. I've made so many friends during committees and got so many opportunities to talk to people from all around the world. FUN FACT: SCVMUN was where I got my first award! With all that being said, award or not, I can't wait to see what all of you can do!